Rat Care Info click here

Each rat is special to me and none are to be treated unfairly. for this reason all persons interested in purchasing a rat must agree to these terms.

Owner must provide clean and proper living conditions. (Food, housing, bedding, cage size, etc.)
Owner agrees that the rat is a pet, not food.

Owner must return rat if found they can no longer care for said rat.

Owner must agree to notify me if any health conditions that may occur.

Owner must agree to seek vet care if any concerns arise.

If the rat happens to die within the ten days health guarantee Owner is expected to bring body back for full refund.
I do not cover accidents, Mishandling, or neglect.

Now If you are looking to buy a rat please  read and answer these questions to yourself. make sure you are ready to bring another family member into your house hold.
How much rat experience do you have?
Do you already own pets and if so how will they be affected by the new rat?

Do you have the funds to care for rat if rat falls ill?

are you willing to support the needs of the rat both physical and mental/emotional?
do i have a support system if i am unable to care for the rat?
how will this new little life affect your current life?

Does your landlord, parents, room mates, siblings, and friends agree to having a rat in the home?
are you aware that the life span of a rat is 2 years and as hard as it might be, to accept that the animal will die in a relatively short time?